Excel Opening Blank Documents? Try These Tips to Fix the Problem


Are you frustrated because Excel keeps opening blank documents instead of your spreadsheets? This problem can mess up your work and waste your time. But don’t worry! There are some simple tricks you can try to make Excel work properly again.

Quick Tips

Sometimes when you try to open Excel, instead of seeing your work, you might just see a blank page. It feels Frustrating, right? Here’s why that could happen:

So, it could be any one of these things causing the problem. But don’t worry, there are ways to fix it!

Tips to Fix the ‘Excel Opening Blank Document’ Problem

Have you ever opened Excel to work on an important project, only to find a blank document staring back at you? Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered with easy tips and tricks to solve this frustrating issue.

Check for Hidden Sheets

Sometimes an Excel sheet may inadvertently be saved as a hidden document. To check for hidden sheets:

Minimize and Maximize the Window

Minimizing and then maximizing the Excel window can sometimes refresh the page and reveal any hidden data:

Restart Excel and Your Computer

Sometimes, a simple restart can do wonders. Close Excel completely and then reopen it. If that doesn’t work, try restarting your computer too. This simple step can often clear up any glitches causing the blank document problem.

Check for Updates

Just like the apps on your phone need updates, so does Excel. Go to the ‘Help’ tab and check for updates. Installing the latest updates can fix bugs and issues, including the blank document problem.

Review Excel Settings

Excel’s settings may be causing the issue. Check the default template setting to ensure it’s not set to open blank documents. Navigate to ‘File’ > ‘Options’ > ‘Advanced’ and make sure the “At startup, open all files in” option is set correctly.

Disable Add-Ins

Add-ins are extra tools that enhance Excel’s functionality, but sometimes they can cause conflicts. Try disabling any recently installed add-ins or those you don’t use regularly. Go to ‘File’ > ‘Options’ > ‘Add-Ins’ and disable them one by one until you find the culprit.

Repair Office Installation

If you still face the problem, repairing your Office installation can help. Go to ‘Control Panel’ > ‘Programs and Features’, select Microsoft Office, and choose ‘Repair’. This will fix any corrupted files or settings that might be causing Excel to open blank documents.

Recover Data from Blank Documents

Even if Excel opens a blank document, your data might still be recoverable. Check the AutoRecover folder for any autosaved versions of your document. You can also try opening the document in a different program like Google Sheets to see if the data appears.

Reinstall Excel

As a last resort, you can uninstall and reinstall Excel. This will give you a fresh start and often resolves stubborn issues. Remember to back up any important files before uninstalling Excel.

Steps to Check and Resolve Excel Opening Blank Documents

Ensure the Workbook or the Landing Sheet Itself Isn’t Blank

Double-check that the file or the sheet you’re opening contains data or not. Sometimes, a blank document might be the result of accidentally opening an empty file in Excel.

Open the File in an Alternate Way

Use a different method or approach to open the Excel file. For example, if you usually double-click on the file to open it, try using the “Open” option within Excel’s interface instead.

Ensure the Main Sheet Isn’t Hidden

Check if the main worksheet within the Excel file is hidden. Hidden sheets won’t be visible when you open the file, which can result in the appearance of a blank document.

Check for Add-Ins Interference

Excel’s normal functioning can be interfered with by Add-ins sometimes. Disable any recently installed or unused add-ins to see if they’re causing the issue.

Set Excel as the Default App to Open Files

Ensure that Excel is set as the default application for opening Excel files. This ensures that files open correctly when you double-click on them.

Disable the Developer’s Mode

Try disabling the Developer’s mode if it is open because it might interfere with Excel’s normal operation and cause blank documents to appear.

Disable Hardware Acceleration

Hardware acceleration can sometimes cause compatibility issues with Excel, leading to blank documents. Try disabling the Hardware Acceleration to see if it resolves the problem.

Update Microsoft Office

Please make sure that your Microsoft Office is updated, including Excel. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can address issues like blank documents and many more.

Repair Microsoft Excel

Could you consider fixing your Microsoft Excel installation, if none of the above steps works? This process can fix any corrupted files or settings that might be causing the problem.


Don’t let Excel’s blank document problem slow you down. With these simple tips, you can troubleshoot and fix the issue quickly. Please remember to regularly update Excel and keep an eye on your settings to avoid similar problems in the future.

FAQs- Tips to Fix the ‘Excel Opening Blank Document’ Problem

How do I fix Excel opening blanks?

Try opening directly from Excel or you can check hidden Excel sheets.

Why is Excel showing blank instead of opening a document?

How do I stop Excel from opening a blank workbook on startup?

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