Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator Requirements: Who Needs a License and What Steps to Take

Man wearing gloves, long pants, long-sleeved shirt, and baseball cap spraying lawn with wand.

Pesticides include any material that repels, controls, limits, or eliminates a pest. Pests include any living organism such as weeds, insects, disease organisms, and rodents. Both general and restricted-use pesticides require a license when applied in the situations above, even if retail garden center products or minimum-risk products, such as cedar oil, garlic oil, or corn gluten meal, are used.

Table 1. Examples of the types of personnel and the application sites and situations when a commercial pesticide applicator license is needed.
Pest control operators
Lawncare applicators
Landscapers and arborists
Utility and highway rights of way
Agricultural custom applicators
Schools, colleges, and universities
Townships, cities, and villages
Apartment complexes (four or more units)
Restaurants and food service
Day care centers
Hospitals and medical buildings
Golf courses

How Do I Become a Licensed Commercial Pesticide Applicator?

To become a licensed commercial pesticide applicator, you must pass the Ohio commercial pesticide exams. You will need to take the commercial core exam and at least one category exam.

How Do I Get Started?View of front of green commercial applicator license.

The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) is the agency in charge of pesticide licensing and testing. Follow the steps below to become a licensed commercial applicator:

View of back of white commercial applicator license.

  1. Complete and mail the ODA application form with the $35 application fee. The form can be downloaded at agri.ohio.gov or by calling ODA at 614-728-6987.
  2. Obtain the study materials for core and license category(ies) at extensionpubs.osu.edu.
  3. Study the materials.
  4. Register with ODA for an exam date and location online at agri.ohio.gov or call ODA at 614-728-6987. Exams are held at locations throughout Ohio.
  5. If you fail an exam, you must wait one week before retesting. Exams may be taken as many times as needed.
  6. When exams are passed, ODA will mail the license to you.

What are Core and the Commercial Applicator Categories?

You are required to hold “core” and at least one other commercial category on your license. Core covers pesticide laws and regulations, reading the label, best practices for handling and storage, pesticide calculations, human toxicity, applicator safety, and environmental protection.

There are 26 commercial pesticide applicator categories. Each category is specific to a pesticide application site and is sometimes specific to the type of pest. Some applicators may need multiple categories on their license to cover the types of application they make. For example, to make pesticide applications to weeds and insects in both agronomic and horticultural crops, categories 2a, 2b, and 2c are required. For detailed descriptions of each category, visit agri.ohio.gov/divisions/plant-health/pesticides/commercial-applicator.

Table 2. Commercial pesticide categories.
Category 1 Aerial Pest Control
Agricultural Pest Control
Category 2A Agronomic Pest Control Category 2b Horticultural Pest Control
Category 2c Agricultural Weed Control Category 2d Seed Treatment
Category 2e Tobacco Sucker Control Category 2f Soil Fumigation
Aquatic Pest Control
Category 3a General Aquatic Pest Control Category 3b Boat Antifoulant
Category 3c Sewer Root Control
Forest Pest Control
Category 4a General Forest Pest Control Category 4b Wood Preservation
Category 5 - Industrial Vegetation
Ornamental Plant and Shade Tree Pest Control
Category 6a General Ornamental Pest Control Category 6b Interior Plantscape Pest Control
Category 6c Ornamental Weed Control Category 6d Greenhouse Pest Control
Category 7 - Vertebrate Animal Control
Category 8 - Turf Pest Control
Category 9 - Livestock Animal Pest Control
Domestic, Institutional, Structural, and Health-Related Pest Control
Category 10a General Pest Control Category 10b Termite Control
Category 10C Fumigation Category 10d Mosquito, House Fly, and Other Vector Control
Category 11 - Specialized Pest Control (USDA only)
Category 12 - Wood Destroying Insect Diagnostic Inspection

What Do I Need to Know About the Exams?

The commercial pesticide exams are multiple choice. Each exam has 25 to 150 questions, depending on the category. Most exams include questions about a pesticide label that is included with the exam.

You must pass both the core exam and at least one category exam to obtain a license. Seventy percent is the passing score. Exams can be taken as many times as needed in order to pass, but you must wait at least five business days before retaking an exam. Scores are posted online 2–3 weeks after examination at agri.ohio.gov/divisions/plant-health/pesticides/exam-results.

What Training Opportunities are Available?

New commercial applicator workshops are offered by Ohio State University Extension as in-person training classes and webinars. These programs provide additional training to help prepare for the core, category 5, 6c, and 8 exams. The core class also fulfills the training requirement for trained servicepersons. More information is available at pested.osu.edu.

Online self-paced study courses are also available for core and category 10a at pested.osu.edu/OnlineTraining.

How to Maintain the Commercial Pesticide License

The commercial pesticide license expires each year on Sept. 30. ODA mails a renewal letter to licensed applicators in July. The letter contains a renewal application and a statement of the applicator’s recertification status. Licensed applicators may mail in the renewal application and $35 fee or renew online.

In addition to submitting a license renewal application and fee, licensed applicators also must recertify their license every three years.

To recertify a commercial applicator license, applicators need to obtain a minimum of five hours of commercial recertification credit by attending educational programs. The recertification credits must include 1 hour of core and at least 30 minutes of credit in each of your pesticide categories. You also have the option to retake the core and category tests instead of attending educational programs for credit. You may view your recertification status at any time online at agri.ohio.gov/divisions/plant-health/pesticides/recert-search.

In summary, to maintain your license, you will need to: